Vanessa Keith - Chair
Jenny Wright - Secretary
Stan Rastallis
Gary Ross
Sara Valli
Nancy Walker
Monthly Meetings
Conservation Commission Meetings are held the second Monday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Town Hall.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Purpose / Charge
The Conservation Commission was established for the purposes described in RSA Chapter 36-A:2, namely for the proper utilization and protection of the natural resources of the Town of Unity, including but not limited to watershed resources, as elaborated in NH RSA 36-A:2.
Additional Duties & Responsibilities
Additional duties and responsibilities of the Commission include:
- Stewardship of Unity conservation lands.
- Support and advise the Board of Selectmen, the Town Planning Board and Zoning Board regarding conservation issues.
- Research and Inventory of land and water resources through The Natural Resources Inventory.
- Coordinate with other unofficial and official bodies to support and organize conservation and permitting in Unity.
- Permit review of Wetland Dredge and Fill, Sand, and Gravel Excavations.
- Provide educational opportunities to the community related to natural resource preservation and open space protection.
- Management of town forests/conservation lands, trails and easements.
- Collaboration with County Conservation Commission relating to land within Unity in conservation.
- Coordination of volunteer programs and special projects.
- Support community access and enjoyment of open lands.
- New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions
Some notable accomplishments are:
- Established the easements on the county land around Marshall Pond and on the Judkins land.
- Helped facilitate the establishment of the Thurber Forest in East Unity.
- Stan Rastallis, our longtime chairman, has coordinated the annual water testing on Crescent Lake since the early 1990s.
- Contracted with The Upper Valley Planning Commission to make up a natural resource inventory for the town.
Unity Natural Resources Inventory brings you to a complete Natural Resources Inventory for Unity.
Sullivan County Conservation Commission Natural Resources brings you to the County website of natural resources. Their main office is located in Unity. This site has information related to lands, grants, and educational opportunities.
The New Hampshire Municipal Conservation Fund Guidebook is your guide to conserving your land in order to protect it and provide you with tax benefits for doing so.
Vital Communities Valley Quests is an amazing resource for families and school communities that consists of quests throughout the region that connect us to the beauty and history of our region. Unity has a Quest of it’s own.
New Hampshire has some unique ways that land owners share their land with the community. The Landowner Relations Program has information for landowners on the ways to best share and protect your land.
UNH Extension Natural Resources Information on wildlife, forests/trees, climate, water and wetlands, and community action.