Planning Board Meetings
Planning Board Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Unity Elementary School.
Planning Board Notices
Planning Board public hearing notices will be posted here as needed.
Mailing Address
13 Center Road
Unity, NH 03603
Planning Board Members
David Pardy - Chair
Tom Farmen - Vice Chair
Bob Trabka | Mark Richards
William Schroeter - Ex Officio
Building & Health Inspector
Paul Moeller
(603) 398-4017
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Planning Board Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Unity Elementary School.
You may contact the Planning Board by postal mail at 13 Center Road, Unity NH 03603 or by sending an e-mail to the Planning Board Secretary, Sue Schroeter, at [email protected].
Pursuant to the Town of Unity’s Land Use Ordinance, ALL citizens who wish to use a camper for temporary use on their property, must first contact the Selectmen’s Office to obtain a signed permit.
All camper permits are NOT for longer than 90 days and are only valid between May 1 and Oct 31 of any applied-for year. However, if the camper is being used for active home construction, a longer period of time MAY be granted by the Selectmen. If so, an approved building permit MUST accompany the camper permit request.
If you are currently in a camper, with no signed permits, within the borders of the Town of Unity, you are currently in VIOLATION. Anyone in violation shall receive a CEASE and DESIST order accompanied by a daily fine. A second offense shall incur higher fines.
Building permit applications are submitted to the Selectmen’s Office.
Driveway permit applications are submitted to the Highway Department.
Camper permit applications are submitted to the Selectmen’s Office.
Please print and fill out all application pages or the permit application will not be accepted.
State law is that there is no building allowed on a class 6 road. Please see button below for further information.