Emergency Medical Technicians & Volunteers Needed
The Town of Unity Fire Department is looking for EMTs or individuals who have some time to spare and are willing to help. Pre-employment background check required. Municipal experience desired. Ninety-day trial periods upon hire. To be considered, please contact or send your resume…
Unity Fire Chief
Tim Davis
(603) 558-2089
Fire Station
(603) 543-3838
For All Burn Permits
Fire Warden
Bruce Adams
(603) 381-3155
Deputy Wardens
Tim Davis
Bob Brown
911 Number Issuance - Please Note
NEAM requires the location to be a planned, livable home not a shed, camp etc. Your location must have a physical driveway and a foundation for a home under construction (minimum req.) before a 911 address may be issued. If these conditions are not met, a 911 address will not be issued. Thank you.