Tax Collector Notices
2024 tax bills are now passed due. Late notices have been mailed. Impending lien notices will go out on 3/13/25 followed by…
Tax Collector's Office
13 Center Road, Unit 2
Unity, NH 03603
Phone: (603) 543-0280
Fax: (603) 543-0272
Tax Collector
Rhonda King
Phone: (603) 543-0280
Deputy Tax Collector
Jennifer Amell
Phone: (603) 543-0280
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Tax Collector’s Office is open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. & Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
The property tax year runs from April 1st to March 31st. Property taxes are based on the assessed value of your property as of April 1st of each tax year.
The Town of Unity has adopted the twice per year billing procedure. One bill is due mid summer and the other mid winter. The due date is 30 days following the billing date.
The first bill is calculated at one half the previous years’ tax rate. The second bill is calculated at the current years’ tax rate, adjusted by the first bill amount. Any property taxes not paid by the due date are subject to an interest charge.
Property owners should be aware that it is their responsibility to contact the Tax Collector’s office to notify us of an address change or for a duplicate property tax bill in the event they do not receive the original billing. Not receiving a tax bill does not eliminate the owner’s responsibility for payment of their taxes and/or possible penalties. Tax bills are sent to the last known owner and the last known mailing address. If you have a change in address, please contact the Selectmens’ Office. If you do not receive your first half bill by June or your second half bill by November, please give us a call or check our Tax Kiosk.
State law requires that each town update property values at least every five years. (RSA 75:8-a)
For current taxes due, visit the New Hampshire Tax Kiosk, choose Unity, and enter the property owner’s name.
Payments can be made by mail or by leaving a check in the secure drop box that is located in front of the Tax Collector’s office. During normal business hours, payments can be made, in person, at the back entry of the Tax Collector’s office.
Post dating a check because there are no current funds may be considered illegal. Please DO NOT send post dated checks; banks may cash any check regardless of date. There will be a processing fee of $50.00 assessed for any post-dated or bounced checks sent back to us after deposit and no further personal checks may be accepted from those tax payers in violation.
Assessing cards (often incorrectly referred to as “Tax Cards”) are available on the Assessing web page. Property assessments are a function of the Selectmen’s office, not Tax Collection.
Property deeds are generally not kept in the offices. If you are seeking a copy of your property deed, please visit the Registry of Deeds and request one from Deeds.
If you are behind in paying your mortgage, property taxes, or utility bills, you may be eligible to apply for assistance through the NH Homeowners Assistance Fund.