Selectmen Notices
Tax Rate 2024 Tax Rate 2023 Tax Rate 2022Meetings scheduled can be found on the calendar and are usually held in the town offices. Occasionally, they are moved to the Town Hall, when that occurs, a…
Town Offices
13 Center Road, Unit 3
Unity, NH 03603
(603) 543-3102
Board of Selectmen
Garry Bator
Gary Ross
William Schroeter
A secure drop box is mounted out front for paperwork. No transactions will be taken 15 minutes before closing to enable timely closing procedures.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Selectmen meet the first and the third Mondays of every month, at 4:00 PM. Most meetings will be held in the selectmen’s meeting room of the Town Office building. If a meeting is elsewhere, location will be posted beforehand.
The time and agenda for the next meeting are posted on the Town Hall and Offices.
Please contact the town office, in advance and during the open hours, if you would like to be included on the agenda. Please provide your topic of discussion.
Meeting minutes are posted on the website approximately twice a year for historical purposes, as a courtesy. Anyone needing more current meeting minutes should contact the Town Clerk.
If you have questions about meeting times or other Town business matters, please contact the Town Office.